Newly-incarcerated celeb catastrophe Lindsey Lohan has had her songs reinterpreted by Oneohtrix Point Never, Babe Rainbow and more on a new mixtape.
Organised by Robin Carolan of the 20 Jazz Funk Greats blog and Tri Angle Records, the mix was “inspired in part by Lindsay Lohan’s grotesquely fascinating black hole existence and in part by my unwavering belief in the power of pop music as an artform” and features reinterpretations of Lohan songs by Autre Ne Veut, Laurel Halo, Babe Rainbow, oOoOO, Stalker and Oneohtrix Point Never.
In the label’s words, “even though we are all fond of Lindsay in our own ways, there is no FREE LINDSAY agenda here. We all love pop music and this is merely an experiment. All of our intentions are very sincere.”
You can download the mixtape here.
Babe Rainbow – I Can Try To Run (Stuck)
Laurel Halo – sinh (Something I Never Had)
Autre Ne Veut – Bossy
oOoOO – I Live For The Day
Stalker – Disconnection (Disconnected)
Oneohtrix Point Never – LL [Stresswave Edit] (Something I Never Had / Over)