Instra:mental’s NonPLus+ label have uploaded details of four forthcoming singles to Discogs.
Entered as test presses, it’s safe to assume the four releases (catalog numbers NonPlus 010 through 013) will be released in the lead-up to Instra:mental’s forthcoming album, Resolution 653, as 013, ‘When I Dip’/’Thomp’ is intended as a taster for the LP. Resolution is due out in April.
Most intriguingly, NonPlus 010 is a new single from Actress [above], titled ‘Harrier ATTK’/’Gershwin’, while 011 is by Lowtec, and 012 is a solo effort from Instra:mental’s Boddika, pairing ‘You Tell Me’ with ‘Breez’in’. No available audio of the Actress to our knowledge, but you can hear ‘When I Dip’ below. Update: The Actress is now on YouTube, and embedded below.
In other singles-related highlights: Scuba will put on his (more) techno-leaning SCB face for a new two-tracker on Will Saul’s Aus Music label. ‘Loss’ and ‘FutureUnknown’ will be released on March 21, and represent the first non-Hotflush SCB tracks.
Chicago mixtape machine Chrissy Murderbot, will release a five-track EP on April 4, his first for the Planet Mu label. Titled Bussin’ Down, the lead and title track is a collaboration with juke and footwork lynchpin DJ Spinn, while ‘Braaain’ sees Murderbot go solo. Three remixes of ‘The Vibe is So Right’ complete the release, from Bristol’s Atki2, San Fran’s Ghosts on Tape, and Spinn & Rashad.
Finally, on March 14, Ossie’s cult UK Funky anthem ‘Tarantula’ will receive a vinyl release through Lightworks, a new label from Dirty Canvas’s Reecha and dubstep socialite Jon Rust. ‘Tarantula”s been a hit on the underground Funky circuit for a while now, battered by DJs on pirate stations Deja Vu and Live FM; this release pairs it with a new track, ‘Creepy Crawlies’, and a FunkinEven remix.
Actress – ‘Harrier ATTK’/’Gershwin’
Ossie – ‘Tarantula’
Instra:mental – ‘When I Dip’
Chrissy Murderbot – “Bussin’ Down” EP (ZIQ293)