FACT is very pleased to offer you an exclusive download sample of a new collage zine by Vatican Shadow.
Vatican Shadow is the “militant religious industrial” guise of Dominick Fernow, best known for his work as Prurient and at the helm of the Hospital Productions label. The sinister, isolationist and seductively rhythmic sounds that Fernow has been creating with this project have won him considerable acclaim outside of the noise and power electronics scenes that nurtured Prurient. Beginning life as highly limited cassette editions, Vatican Shadow’s releases have spread like wildfire since being made available digitally; the first two, Byzantine Private CIA and Kneel Before Religious Icons recently found their way onto vinyl courtesy of Blackest Ever Black and Type respectively.
Key to the identity, and appeal, of Vatican Shadow – which makes its live debut this Saturday, 5 May, at Los Globos in LA, opening for Tropic of Cancer and Demdike Stare – lies in its deliciously paranoid, War On Terror-obsessed aesthetic. Track and release titles have been drawn from newspaper headlines about military and terrorist operations in the Middle East, while cover images have depicted a range of characters implicated in the W.O.T., from Hilary Clinton to Nidal Malik Hasan, the former US Army psychiatrist who shot 13 people dead and wounded 30 in a lone gun attack on the Fort Hood military base where he was stationed. Meanwhile, other verbal and graphic touches embedded throughout the releases hint at an occult lineage of religious extremism that transcends geographical and temporal boundaries.
The “visual signifiers” and linguistic preoccupations of Vatican Shadow are the focus of the two of three new collage collections, the first entirely non-musical releases on Hospital Productions, which is now over 350 releases old. The two VS magazines, A Lie Must Tell A Single Story and Here Is Where The Story Falls Apart, are both 60-page, perfect-bound affairs, printed in editions of just 50 copies each. A third collage collection dedicated to the Prurient universe, Changeless Blue Flame, is also available, in an edition of 100. You can order here.
You can peruse a hefty sample of the first Vatican Shadow zine, A Lie Must Tell A Single Story, in PDF form courtesy of FACT. Download it below, and lose yourself in what Hospital describe as “the world-scale board game upon which it isn’t clear who is winning or what side you are on.”
Download: Vatican Shadow – A Lie Must Tell A Single Story [excerpt]