This helmet makes music from brainwaves using EEG technology

High-tech helmet lets you hear your own brainwaves.

Inspired by Buddhist meditation practices and a desire to enhance her own self-awareness, London-based artist Aiste Noreikaite has created a high-tech “Experience Helmet” that houses the music of brainwaves.

The helmet utilises electroencephalography (or EEG – the recording of electrical activity along the scalp) to translate the wearer’s neural processes into sound in real time, creating an “audible reflection of one’s personal experience of the present moment,” according to its inventor.

“I programmed sound frequencies a little bit differently in left and right sides so when they are heard together they produce a third frequency which can be heard just inside of our heads,” said Noreikaite.

“User hears the sound that is being generated by his brainwaves. The brainwaves recognize themselves in that sound and reacts to it very positively, then this is looped back to them via sound again and again.”

The sounds inside Noreikaite’s helmet are said to become higher when users have a clear state of mind, and faster and more rhythmic when they focus on particular subjects.

According to Noreikaite, there also may be added health benefits to wearing the helmet. Many users of the device reported feeling better after putting it on. [via The Creators Project]



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