The new web app lets you build playlists by a ruthless process of elimination.
We’ve had Tinder for afterparties, Tinder for fetish enthusiasts, Tinder for pictures of cute pets and countless more takes on the popular dating app’s simple swipe idea recently. Now we’ve got a take on the concept that might actually be of some use to a broader cross-section of the population – music fans.
Spotlst is a web-based app built by Glasgow developer Grant MacLennan that allows you to easily build Spotify playlists. You simply enter an artist you’d like to start off with, and the app will automatically suggest others like them, while previewing one of their tracks. If you like the track you add it to the playlist, if not, you consign it to the digital ether. Once you’ve built your playlist, you can easily name and save it straight to Spotify.
From what we can tell it works pretty well – we went from Rabit to Samename to Miss Modular in a few steps, so its grasp of hi-tech club music from the fringes is at least on point. Check it out at the Spotlst website.