Originally posted on The Vinyl Factory
The Edit wants to help you build the ultimate record collection.
Introducing the latest vinyl-related service to try and enable your record addiction. Sign up and they’ll send you a text message every day recommending a classic record which you can then opt to buy, simply by replying ‘Yes’.
It’s free to sign up – all you have to do is supply them with your bank details once, and presto, henceforth your next record is just a text message away.
Sound dangerous? The Edit have mercifully introduced a ‘buyer’s remorse’ function, giving you 30 minutes to cancel your order in case you were too trigger-happy or realised you didn’t like Beastie Boys that much anyway. So far it’s a fairly canonical selection – along with Paul’s Boutique previous offers include Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue and Nirvana’s Nevermind.
Currently only available in the United States, shipping costs a flat $3 and all orders are trackable online.
Supermarket giant Tesco recently became the latest store to jump on the vinyl bandwagon, while in Amsterdam a new startup is offering to press personalized vinyl records on demand for just 50 euros.
Read this next: Pressed to the Edge: Why vinyl hype is destroying the record