Inspired by Erik Satie and Coil.
Dedekind Cut, aka Lee Bannon – real name Fred Warmsley, previously known as ¬ b – will put out his new album this Friday.
Successor is a joint release between Chino Amobi’s NON Worldwide and Dominick Fernow’s Hospital Productions, and finds the Sacramento producer digging deeper into ambient and noise, as flagged up by the ambient playlist he shared earlier this year.
The B-side of the album is currently streaming on Wikipedia, with the “liner notes” in the Wiki description flagging up Laurie Anderson, Coil, Erik Satie and Juliana Huxtable as influences on the album.
Successor follows this year’s American Zen EP and Reflections 2012-2016, a three-disc compilation of IDM and hardcore continuum-inspired loosies which came out on 1080p earlier in 2016.
Listen to the B-side on Wikipedia, or hear previously unveiled title track below. Revisit his Black History Month In 3D mix which landed on NON in February.