Coming to a warehouse near you.
New York label and party Mister Saturday Night has grown into a staple after bouncing around at different venues for nearly a decade. Now, with the help of a crowdfunding campaign, they’re looking to settle down in a permanent space.
After launching at Santos Party House in 2009, Mister Saturday Night moved around to various venues including Shea Stadium and Silent Barn before establishing Nowadays, an outdoor space in the backyard of an old cabinet factory where Mister Sunday day parties are held. Now they are ready to focus on renovating the indoor space.
Founders Justin Carter and Eamon Harkin aim to raise a base goal of $50,000 via Kickstarter to cover the space’s construction as a legal and up-to-code venue. Beyond that, they hope to raise an addition $50,000 to create proper acoustics for the space and provide it with two state-of-the-art soundsystems — one for hi-fidelity listening and another for club nights. Rewards for pledging include free mixes, season passes to the venue and a private party.
Take a look at some preliminary designs and listen to Mister Saturday Night’s FACT Mix below.