She might have a terrible name, but LoneLady has got enough going on musically to land a deal with Warp Records.The Manchester based artist – who, in case the name didn‘t make it clear, is a solo female – will release her debut single , ‘Immaterial’, via Warp on November 9. Available on 7”, the release is comprised of two tracks, ‘Immaterial’ and ‘XY’,  and heralds her album, due in early 2010. The tracks, along with the album, were co-produced with Guy Fixsen (My Bloody Valentine, Stereolab).The ‘Lady – who looks a bit like she could be La Roux’s smarter, less irksome older sister – has previously supported Wire and cites Pylon and PiL as influences, and accordingly  her early demo recordings range from mannered post-punk-flavoured to pop to more jagged, confrontational fare. We’re intrigued as to how her work with Fixsen will turn out…

Oh, and lest we forget, the press release for ‘Immaterial’ is accompanied by an nsufferably pretentious text from jowly rock critic Paul Morley, which we quote below in full for your amusement/amazement.

i/Look/lonelady/brace yourself/because nothing is true and nothing is untrue/for those who look to Warp of Sheffield and outer space and inside their collective head/ for signs of life/noise/and something else/not found somewhere else/listen/this is/for those who want to see these words (the diagram of bones form a geometry of murder)(the world of the inner skull) in a promotional bulletin alerting you to/something else in music/coming your way/the dirty and diseased blank and disjointed clear eyed and cut up/ guitar/and ballardian bass and neu sway and snap cerebral judgements and a ghostly free for all space around the voice and thinking/ where fresh and hidden meanings lurk/ and a change of pace and heavy breathing on the scandalizing surface and ballet drums and crimes of the future and time lapse rhythms and lost and found sounds and the martian moors and the outside of everything/stop/move/I’m told she’s supported wire/I suppose she has/she might also have supported monochrome set patti smith and the bush tetras/she might have been Fac 17/or she might have sung two shows with Section 25 and once met Blue Orchids around the back of a cinema showing Existenz/she might be the love/hate/beat child of a Bunnyman and a Foxx/of a Stipe and a Smith/of a lullaby and a lament/of shadowplay and little Johnny jewel/gertrude stein and elizabeth cotten/the lone ranger and yoko ono/howl and faust and/ I don’t know/I’d like to see some made up details/the music/sounds like a soundtrack to some made up details/she sounds (tense) like she wants your attention/I’m told she has already had a bit of attention/I’m sure she has/from those that give early attention/I’m sure she has a real name/I like the idea she hasn’t/like she really wants us to mind our own business/if I was in charge we’d never know her real name/or lonelady is her real name/or she sold her real name to get the cash to buy her first guitar/which she plays as though it is a deviant instrument/able to traumatize/I naturally think of the flesh and metal guitar of the banshees/mackay and mcgeoch and even smith and carruthers/when the future was filled with guitars that crashed into your senses/because brutalisation had a place in pop/ferocity and secrets too/guitars you like to hear crushed and crammed onto seven inch singles/where they know their place and can cut into your life/so it’s good to know that immaterial is the first of a series of seven inch singles/leading up to a first album/early 2010/produced by guy fixsen who has/I’m told/worked with the breeders/my bloody valentine/stereolab/I’m told these things/so I’m telling you/and she’s a pop singer/and I’m a pop writer/and she’s one to watch/lonelady/but watch your step/end message//paulmorley///151009



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