Superpitcher, real name Aksel Schaufler, has confirmed details of his new album, some of which he touched upon in an interview with Brookyn’s Self-Titled earlier this year.

The new album is indeed called Kilimanjaro, and will be the first the first full-length from the Cologne-based producer since his hook-up with Michael Mayer, as Supermayer, on …Save The World, and his first solo album since the widely celebrated Here Comes Love. Kompakt plan to release it on September 6, some time after the original projection of May.  It features ten previously unheard tracks, as well as the single ‘Rabbit

“People thought my last album was very conceptual,” Schaufler told Self-Titled‘s Ilirjana Alushaj back in January, “So maybe they will see this one in a similar way? It isn’t a ‘concept’ album in a literal sense, though. I’m not mad about that sort of thing…I suppose the title relates to a place I’ve found—comfort in solitude…There are themes I’ve always had, too, like breakups, heartbreaks, get-overs and get-togethers.

“The songs on Kilimanjaro are in different directions [to Here Comes Love] musically. Everything fits together, but it still sounds varied. There’s a lot more live instruments…and singing.”

The producer also spoke of his desire to perform his songs live, with a band, and cites The Field and Cirlesquare as electronic artists whose approach to live performance he’s been impressed by.

“Everyone always asked me about performing Here Comes Love live, but I wasn’t ready and obviously would need a band which I didn’t have. I couldn’t do it with just me. Having me and a laptop wouldn’t work for my music.

“I have one person [for the band] so far. I am looking for geniuses! I need people to get behind the music, as they need feeling and understanding of it.”

1. Prelude
2. Voodoo
3. Country Boy
4. Rabbits in a Hurry
5. Friday Night
6. Moon Fever
7. Give Me My Heart Back
8. Who Stole the Gun
9. Black Magic feat. Rebolledo
10. Joanna
11. Holiday Hearts



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