Moon Wiring Club has a new album out on CD and vinyl, A Spare Tabby At The Cat’s Wedding.

But here’s the rub: the CD and vinyl albums are musically different, and have different cover art, despite bearing the same name. They share some track names, and some samples, but what really links them is a puzzle posed deliberately and mischievously at the listener. Head over to MWC’s official site for some further explanation, and a good deal more obfuscation.

Hodgson’s Moon Wiring Club can be seen as a slightly more jovial, more self-consciously shop-soiled cousin of Ghost Box’s hauntological project; indeed, MWC recently contributed a track to the fine Ghost Box 7″ series. Like that label’s figureheads Jim Jupp and Julian House, MWC takes inspiration from a jumble of half-memories culled from the margins of 70s and 80s British pop culture. Much of his work is “set” in the fictional town of Clinksell. It’s all very confusing, we grant you, but worthy of investigation.

Those seeking an introduction to, or further immersion in, Moon Wiring Club’s singularly strange universe are advised to download his new mix for Pontone, which puts Dopplereffekt, Coil and Autechre in the same room as Peter O’Toole, Dead Can Dance, oOoOO and Leonard Rossiter like it ain’t no thing.

For more “information” about A Spare Tabby…, click here.

Moon Wiring Club will play live in London on December 3 at The Vortex in Dalston, as part of an Exotic Pylon showcase also featuring Raime and Eyeless In Gaza.



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