London radio station Deja Vu FM will be hosting a Halloween event at London’s East Village this Thursday, October 27.

Mostly focussed around grime, Mix ‘n’ Blend features the sort of line-up that you don’t see enough of in London these days, reminiscent of the Sidewinder approach of filling the bill with as many DJs and MCs as possible and leaving punters curious – if nothing else – as to how that amount of acts will be able to fit in one room.

Headlining are two of London’s best-known DJs: Kiss FM’s Logan Sama and Radio 1’s Cameo. Arguably more exciting, however, is Slew Dem Crew’s DJ Spooky [above]. An obscenely well-practiced DJ in the lineage of Spyro, Vectra and Mak 10, Spooky has been one of grime’s most exciting DJs and producers for a few years now, and in the flesh he’s absolute lightning on the turntables.

Support comes from some of Deja Vu’s finest DJs – amongst others, D.Lux, Eastwood, Weeksey, Frisky, Joe Grime and Whitecoat – and mic duty will be shared between a host of MCs, including Slew Dem’s legendary Chronik, Badness, Jamakabi, God’s Gift, Big Nasty, Jammin, Dimples and Jamakabi.

Entry is £7 for males, females are free before 10pm and £5 thereafter. For more details, visit the Facebook event page.



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