World Unknown, the brilliant monthly South London party run by Andy Blake (Dissident, Cave Paintings) and Joe Hart (who also runs the equally excellent night out Bodyhammer), started up a record label last year. So far they’ve released four split 12″s of palpitating acid house, mostly from relatively lesser-known producers such as Apiento, Timothy J. Fairplay and Franz Underwear. World Unknown 5 is due out on February 13, and is again a split release.

Side ‘w’ comes from Semtek (paired up with his own alter-ego Chardonnay), who runs UK label Don’t Be Afraid, and is an insistent throbbing piece of powerful psychedelia, fizzing heavily and topped off with some atmospheric doomy vocals. Side ‘u’ is by ’80s acid house producer Scott Fraser, a steadily chugging more laid back affair, but nevertheless coming with plenty of pounding dark disco drive. You can hear clips of both below, before World Unknown 5 is given a vinyl only release in mid-February.

Also, the next World Unknown club night takes place on February 10. Details here.

World Unknown 4 – Semtek & Chardonnay / Scott Fraiser (Clips)



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