A lot of questions get asked of Odd Future, but for nearly two years now the main one has been: what happened to Earl Sweatshirt?
The youngest member of the group, whose 2010 album Earl could well be the best record anyone from Odd Future has released yet, Sweatshirt [left] has been AWOL since mid-2010 – his most likely location, according to reports, a youth camp in Samoa on his mother’s orders (Fat Possum, who are re-releasing Odd Future members MellowHype’s BlackenedWhite, have confirmed that they weren’t granted permission to use the track ‘Chordaroy’, which featured Earl). Obviously his time away has coincided with Odd Future’s rapid rise in popularity, and so Earl’s missed out pretty big, even with all the “Free Earl” shout-outs.
Last night, Earl appeared on Twitter, apparently confirming that he’d returned to Los Angeles, and that when he got 50, 000 followers he’d let out a new song (he also expressed this on YouTube). He did, and rewarded followers with the link to an official Earl Sweatshirt website, which is streaming ‘Home’ in full.