If you hadn’t already noticed, the internet has been alive of late with speculation regarding a new Boards of Canada album.
First, BBC6 Music’s Peter Serafinowicz claimed that the Scottish duo, who released a series of classic records on Warp throughout the late nineties and early noughties, had a “new album coming out soon … I think it’s gonna be a double album”.
Then, in response to a poster on the Boards of Canada Facebook page asking whether there was any truth to rumours of a new album, the Scottish duo – usually noted for their lack of communication – simply replied “yes”, prompting waves of excitement amongst fans eager to hear the first new Boards of Canada album since 2005’s The Campfire Headphase.
Pitchfork today spoke to a representative of Warp Records (something that, hands up, we should’ve done after posting this recent news story), who stated that although Boards of Canada “are definitely working on new material”, “there is nothing in the cards at the moment in terms of a scheduled release.”
So really, it sounds like Warp are just as in the dark as to the Sandison brothers’ plans as the rest of us. Back to square one.