Chicago-bred producer Brenmar gives the hit his uniquely skewed take on R&B.

Kirko Bangz’Drank in My Cup is already one of the best rap songs to hit the airwaves this year, but Brenmar’s starry-eyed take on it ups the ante considerably. He trades the slow-creeping Houston beats for bubbly percussion, then swaddles Kirko’s Drake-like voice in brightly-hued synths even more luscious than those of the original. The sensuality of the vocal is brought to the forefront, and any syrup-induced lethargy present before now feels like sleepiness of a more post-coital sort.

Kirko Bangz – Drank In My Cup (Brenmar Remix) (up for DL when I reach 5000 twitter followers!) by BRENMAR

Rodney Jarreau



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