Despite his untimely passing in 2010, ex TG/Coil man Peter ‘Sleazy’ Christopherson remains an important presence in 2012.
Last month saw a major tribute event at Newcastle’s AV festival, featuring Chris Watson and Carter Tutti. The latter are also preparing to release Desertshore, Throbbing Gristle’s Sleazy-helmed version of the classic Nico album. Last year’s run of TG reissues also saw Sleazy and co. gaining column inches and new listeners. According to The Wire, Christopherson’s final project before his death is now set to see release.
Soisong, Christopherson’s joint project with sound artist Ivan Pavlov, are to release a double EP of sketches in May , followed by an album proper in December. Pavlov has also launched a YouTube channel, which archives footage of the pair working together in the studio. According to Pavlov, “My decision to start the channel is part of this final phase of activity. It comes out of certain necessity I feel, to share what we have in our archives and to celebrate the year, also trying to fulfill at least part of the promises we made when Peter was still alive. Working without him is not easy, but there isn’t any other option.”
Soisong have previously released two records: 2008’s Soi-Jin-No-Hi and 2009’s xAj3z. Intriguingly, the project also features a ‘virtual singer’ – an intuitive video montage created by 3D animator Han Li Chiou. Pavlov states that the unit had always intended to release their final album in 2012.
The final Soisong album is due on December 20; a date has been set for the EP release.