Bob Bhamra’s oddball house project continues to bear succulent fruit.

Bhamra’s last release was this month’s Collision/Detection v2 EP for Front And Follow. ‘Coming On Strong’ is a brand new transmission from Bharma’s South London headquarters. As Juno Plus report, the track is the first release this year on his own WNCL imprint.

The A side is slick as anything. On paper, ‘Coming On Strong’ might appear a tad hokey: between the shuffling house beat, the ringing sax lick, and the ever-present tom-toms, you’ve got all the ingredients for your standard slice of poseur house. Bhamra, however, invests ‘Coming On Strong’ with a real sense of character: he knows the difference between hooky and tacky, and stays on the right side of the line. Pangaea’s flipside is a more dour affair, a scrapbook collage of grinding loops and mournful synth leads.

‘Coming On Strong’ is due next month.




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