As dubstep deliquesces into all sorts of unclassifiable house-inflected forms, Brackles’ mutant productions sound all the more timely.
The Blunted Robots custodian has turned out 12″s for Planet Mu, and has helped shape the state of play through his regular Rinse FM show. The Nottingham-born producer is set to drop his debut LP, Rinse Presents… Brackles, early next month. As Playground note, the lead track has now been made available to stream. ‘Never Coming Down’ sees Brackles team up with former Funkystepz collaborator Lily McKenzie for an exercise in mangled UK garage.
Viewers of FACT TV’s recent UKG geek-out session will recognise the opening bars of ‘Never Coming Down’. Brackles throws in choppy drum pads and a stuttering synth ostinato. The result resembles UKG as heard through rotor blades – a whirling, rattling assortment of freshly augmented garage tropes. Yes, Lucy McKenzie’s vocal sounds like it’s been excavated from a time capsule buried in Greenwich c.1999. But ‘Never Coming Down’ is far too forward-thinking to ever be called ‘revivalist’. A cracking example of well-crafted 2.0-step.
Rinse Presents… Brackles is due on May 7, courtesy of, uh, Rinse.