He's behind you! Watch the new video for Death Grips' 'Double Helix'

Death Grips’ recent The Money Store wasn’t quite as unhinged as 2011’s amazing calling card Ex-Military, but it still had its fair share of brutal moments.

The scorched-earth head-snap of ‘Double Helix’ definitely stands out on the record, and the Sacramento troublemakers have now delivered a new clip for the song. Stefan Burnett’s lunatic performance is caught through the rear-view camera of a Toyota Prius. Burnett plays the Lord of Misrule: he stumbles, writhes, flails and dry-humps the trunk. The band might have major label money now, but they’re clearly still determined to keep things hearteningly rough-edged. That said, it’s a walk (or drive, perhaps) in the park compared to the synapse-snapping wall of gifs.



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