In a move calculated to send spellcheck software into meltdown, Nguzunguzu have remixed Massacooramaan.
Massacooramaan is an alias of juke traveller Dave Quam, used to present kaleidoscopic reinterpetations of the inimitable Chicago sound. He’s just dropped his debut EP, Dead Long Time, on Night Slugs offshoot Fade To Mind. Recent FACT mixers Nguzunguzu have stepped up on the remix, and the results are way off the charts.
The original is a minimalist piece of juddering stop-start juketronics. The refix, meanwhile, sets Quam’s processed vocals on a tidal wave of bass. Airlock atmospherics, drum rolls and rogue oscillators all contend for attention in Nguzunguzu’s take. Click here to grab the track. [via Juno Plus]