The tiny, autocratic city-state of Singapore apparently has a birth rate problem.
We’re not sure what kind of unhinged genius PR agency they’ve got on the payroll, but their proposed solution is inspired. On “National Night” – August 9 – the government, in collaboration with Mentos mints, are urging people to “do their civic duty”. Yep.
As we all know, government propaganda of any sort doesn’t slip down all that easily, so the message has been helpfully framed in a song, which you can watch below. It’s difficult to pick out choice lines from this absolute embarrassment of riches, but “I’m a patriotic husband, you a patriotic wife/Let me book into your camp and manufacture a life” is definitely up there.
So, watch the video below and, if you’re a Singaporean citizen, don’t forget to do the right thing on August 9. All together now: “Raise that flag, get mobilized and let your patriotism explode” [and thanks to Blackdown for the heads up].