Fresh from having soldered together his own drum-machine-cum-keyring, Stones Throw smoothie DâM-FunK has released another new track online.
‘I Don’t Want To Be A Star!’ is the title track from the California artist’s I Don’t Want To Be A Star! EP, and will also appear on DâM-FunK’s forthcoming album Invite The Light.
DâM-FunK’s a creature of habit – he’s never going to start producing wyrd-folk – but ‘I Don’t Want To Be A Star’ does feel slightly out of step with his typical sound. His trademark louche boogie is replaced with a sort of primitive digital go-go, and the track clatters along at a fair old lick. Exuberant stuff, and a promising taster for the boogie peddler’s first album of all-new material since 2009’s Toeachizown.
I Don’t Wanna Be A Star! is out now on 12″ maxi-single. The EP, recorded in Cali spot Ladera Heights, also features recent Prince cover ’17 Days’, which you can listen to here.