What with that humdinger of a Zebra Katz video, not to mention some fine efforts from Old Apparatus and Untold, we’ve been somewhat spoilt for great clips today – but 2 Chainz’s effort blows the competition out of the water.
2 Chainz’s Based On A T.R.U. Story isn’t exactly a vintage record, sullied as it is by pedestrian fare and limp guest appearances. All is forgiven, however, because the Georgia MC has knocked out just about the weirdest hip-hop clip of the year.
‘Birthday Song’ is a veritable cataract of lunacy, full of the sort of tomfoolery you might expect from a particularly unhinged Michel Gondry video. Andreas Nilsson’s clip is stuffed to the seams with lurid symbolism and daft visual set-pieces. Notable moments include, but are by no means limited to: a portly clown shuffling in a gas mask; a lady/cake hybrid; Kanye riding a bike studded with fake mammaries; and, 23 seconds in, a good example of what Kraftwerk might have looked like if they’d been born into the Playaz Circle. Repeated viewing is recommended, as is a degree of caution – three views in, we already need a lie-down.