Tropic Of Cancer, set to release new EP I Feel Nothing at the end of the month, have revisited a sterling mix from 2011.
Camella Lobo’s dour solo project (occasionally augmented by Taylor Burch and Sandwell District’s Silent Servant) has long caught our eye; her debut ‘The Dull Age’/’Victims’ disc in particular was a great collection of post-punk tics and tasteful shadowplay.
Lobo’s I’ve Lost A Friend mixtape first did the rounds back in December when it was hosted by Portugeuse music website Mundo Urbano. The mix was pretty wonderful first time around, incorporating gloomy contemporaries (Horrid Red, The Haxan Cloak), classics (Daphne Oram, Chris & Cosey) and two Julee Cruise tracks.
As Juno Plus report, Lobo has now upped a redux of the tape, featuring a host of extra material. Now clocking in at an hour and a half, the mix features extra tracks from Erik Satie, The Tear Garden, David Lynch, The Names and The Carousel, amongst others. Lobo’s certainly not big on self-promotion: the original mix claimed to be compiled in “moments of weakness” and I’ve Lost A Friend mk II comes with the apologia “I also messed up once”. She needn’t be too modest – it’s great.