Here’s a fresh remix from Philly boffin King Britt.
The erstwhile Ovum Recordings boss is one of contemporary electronic music’s most idiosyncratic polymaths. His work tilts from his house productions under the Scuba alias to his excellent ambient collage set King Britt Presents Sister Gertrude Morgan His list of collaborators is long and varied, and includes both Josh Wink and Quasimoto. And we’ll call his recent Fhloston Paradigm EP for Hyperdub what it is: easily one of the best EPs of the year.
Britt’s taken on a track from local indie combo Arc In Round. The pealing guitar-pop of the original is replaced with a stuttering, drifty electro instrumental. Britt ploughs a similar furrow to the Fhlohston Paradigm disc, but the results are substantially more reserved, painted with watercolours rather than bold pigments. Eerie, brittle and gently effective fare. [via Dummy]