Brighton-born label Donky Pitch are two years young, and they’ve celebrated the milestone by upping theirfirst five releases online for free download.
Honing in primarily on artists with an eye for a glossy synth or a wonky beat, Donky Pitch has clocked up a few interesting releases in the last two years. The debut Donky Stomp EP arrived courtesy of Ninja Tune funkster Slugabed; backed with a pair of beats from Ghost Mutt’s, it remains one of his most off-kilter releases to date. Further EPs have dropped from opulent synth twiddler Niño, Fulgeance fan V.C and slinky hip-hop producer 813. Most interesting was the trance-indebted LongLiveSwag set from Lil B affiliate Keyboard Kid 206, which saw the producer on unusually frazzled form.
All of the above records are available to grab in a single bundle from the Donky Pitch Bandcamp page. This price? Nothing (although donations are encouraged). Be swift, though – the birthday gift will be withdrawn at the end of the day.