Slow down, Trent! You’ll pull something.
For the last few weeks, Reznor’s been pretty much a daily presence around these parts. Whether he’s been clubbing up with Dr. Dre, talking Nine Inch Nails or dripfeeding information about his How to destroy angels_ project/, the electro-rock grandee’s been difficult to avoid. The latter project sees Reznor joining forces with wife Mariqueen Maandig, Atticus Ross and Rob Sheridan – and now you can hear the fruits of their labours yourself.
The band have a major label debut album on the way next year, but, in the meantime, they’re releasing the An omen_ EP. As Pitchfork report, the record – an immaculately produced selection of electro-pop and drifty electronica – is available to stream in full below. The EP arrives on November 13, courtesy of Columbia. Oh, and check out that fine Factory Floor remix while you’re at it. [via The Hype Machine]