Hype Williams’ concerted embrace of their more melodic tendencies continues on surprise freebie ‘Galice’.
Where earlier releases saw the pair ironically recycling commercial hooks or burying their pop smarts, this year’s Black Is Beautiful was stuffed with sing-song melodies and big, bold licks. The trend on continues on ‘Galice’, which sees Copeland playing the trip-hop chanteuse over a zonked instrumental, full of whipcrack snare hits and hip-hop whoops.
‘Galice’ is plucked from the pair’s forthcoming London 2012 tour CD, which will be available to purchase at tomorrow’s show at the Tufnell Park Dome. Dean Blunt, meanwhile, is readying a full reissue of his great The Narcissist II piece on Hippos In Tanks. [via No Fear of Pop]