As we were (repeatedly) reminded in 2012, The Flaming Lips don’t exactly do demure.
The lunatic radio plays, the grenade, the musical, that grenade again, the record attempts, the Badu beef , the blood vinyl – and did we mention the grenade? Not for the first year, Wayne Coyne and co proved to be one of the most entertaining outfits around.
As Exclaim report, the Oklahoma band are preparing to issue a new concert film, and it looks predictably madcap. Freak Night documents a free show in their native city’s City Zoo Amphitheatre, recorded in October of this year. At the time, the show was billed as “the largest costume party in the Midwest”. According to a Twitter message from Coyne, the film is set to air on the Lips’ website at some point this week. A setlist for the show is available here.
A riotous preview clip is included below. Warning: if your work isn’t the sort of place that tolerates strobing vaginas and naked crowdsurfing, you might want to wait until 5.00pm to give this one a watch.