The last fortnight has seen Kriss Kross, Destiny’s Child and Justin Timberlake make their respective returns to the pop music fold, and now Mis-Teeq are preparing to reform.
Speaking to today’s Metro, former member Alesha Dixon revealed that “we are speaking and we’re having a meeting. It’s like all these bands reforming are just jumping on the bandwagon but I’d be quite happy to go in the studio for a year with the girls and just work on a new record. I don’t think anybody has actually filled the gap since Mis-Teeq left, which is quite worrying as I thought we were opening doors for people.”
Comprised of Dixon, Su-Elise Nash and Sabrina Washington, Mis-Teeq formed in 1999 and quickly became a dominant force on the UK airwaves, not only working with pop powerhouses like Stargate but with garage act Sunship. Singles such as ‘All I Want’ and ‘One Night Stand’ still sound fresh today, with a glitzy swing far removed from the straight 4×4 so inescapable in current pop music; you can stream the former below.