Hype Wiliams’ Dean Blunt has announced another intriguing extra-curricular excursion.
Blunt’s hosted a number of gallery performances in the past, including last year’s ‘White Flight’ happening at LA’s OHWOW Gallery, a bizarre performance piece involving balloons, topless hunks and cowboy hats. He also memorably staged a live reading of an original play after a Hype Williams gig in Switzerland.
Next month, Hackney’s SPACE gallery will host a selection of “mixed material works” by the musician. The exhibition will run from March 22-24. Blunt’s blurb for the event offers an insight into what to expect. Well, sort of:
wat da f**k u chattin bout fam?? one ah pennys crew was called da one ah penny crew so fall back wid ur wrong info…ur right when u say there were only 28 ov da orignal 28s azwad squidley fudge husler pb killerman archer millitant dego jim jim meastro cox cyco bandit dandy gummie boomie swifty balmore omar jiffy ribz keith headley bullet scotty demus da twinz micheal brodrick bully…dis is da original 28s….then came da younger 28s beaver quincey loverboy shortman flowers nolan gutsy kboy ninja half-e jahbi jacob peanut yardie .
Head here for more information. Blunt will release his debut solo LP The Redeemer through Hippos In Tanks on May 1.