If you believe in having sex… then do it safely.
The 2 Live Crew leader, Supreme Court petitioner, newspaper columnist, football booster, and mayoral candidate has added “safe sex advocate” to his resume, partnering with b condoms (“the premium condom brand with a social mission”) to support condom use in underserved communities.
“I am very excited to partner with b condoms to advocate safe sex,” he said in a statement. “Teen pregnancy and STDs are mostly impacting African-Americans and Latinos and I want to help make a difference. It’s time for everyone to go Platinum.”
“Platinum” refers to b’s Platinum XL condoms; Campbell will donate 5,000 of them to Miami-area non-profit organizations this summer, with an additional 1,000 given out during the Florida Fashion Designers Expo Florida fashion week. [via AllHipHop]