In a recent interview with GQ, Mike Skinner laments the age of the anonymous internet commenter and ponders whether Daft Punk would ever stoop to advertising cheap sausages.
Touching on his vices (drugs, funnily enough) and his drive to deliver top-quality stage banter (“All I was thinking about during the song was what I’m going to say after the song”), the man formerly known as The Streets also claims that one gig at Brixton Academy broke the venue’s record for most beer sold in one night.
On negative reactions from internet commenters, he says: “It is just constant abuse now. No one would ever come up to you in the street and say the shit that they say on YouTube. I mean, you go on the Guardian comments – it doesn’t matter how polite you get, it’s still fucking vicious.”
He also mentions a TV ad for Wall’s sausages that featured a dog singing a song in the style of The Streets, and says you wouldn’t catch Daft Punk signing up to that.
“I didn’t even watch them, but I kept seeing on Twitter there was Wall’s adverts that sounded a bit like me,” he explains. “But [for example] I notice everything that [Daft Punk’s] Thomas Bangalter does. I see everything he does, because I am that much in love with him.
“So if he did a Wall’s advert, I’d be really f***ing pissed off […] I can’t imagine everyone liking what I do, but I just know how much I love [Daft Punk] and I think, ‘Well what would I think if they did that?'”
FACT TV recently went record shopping with The D.O.T. – Skinner’s latest project with The Music’s Rob Harvey – where they talked about Call of Duty, Jet from Gladiators, insecurity and the duo’s new album.