Actress has revealed details of his long-rumoured fourth studio LP, Ghettoville.
The producer had barely released 2012’s R.I.P when news began to swarm of a second Actress full-length hitting shelves that year. Originally mooted to appear in July 2012, the album failed to see the light of day, although we were assured by new label partner Ninja Tune that the record was happening eventually. And, exactly a year on, so it proves: Actress has Tweeted an image which features a full tracklist for the new record.
According to the image, the album will run to 16 tracks. The rundown appears next to the tracklist for the producer’s exceptional 2008 debut Hazyville, which suggests the new album is intended as a companion piece or sequel (some have suggested the record might be comprised of material from the Hazyville sessions.)
No release date is available at present. Actress’ last release was this year’s Silver Cloud EP. R.I.P scored high in our rundown of our favourite 50 albums of 2012.