The Modern Lover dives in.
The next delivery from the Adult Swim Singles Program comes from British producer Andy Stott, who provides a typically nervy and fractious slab of off-kilter techno to the freebie series.
‘Anytime Soon’ unfurls slowly, building its metallic elements into a tough motorik frame for the forlorn female vocals, which appear to have been provided by Stott’s Luxury Problems collaborator Alison Skidmore. The track will be available to download next week; in the meantime you can stream it below, courtesy of Gorilla vs Bear,
The Modern Love affiliate will play Bloc London’s November party alongside Demdike Stare and Deadbeat and is also on the bill for Poland’s Unsound festival in October.
The Adult Swim series is nearing the finish line now – previous highlights from the TV channel’s giveaway include tracks from young rapper Kitty and the duo of Madlib and Freddie Gibbs.
Listen to ‘Anytime Soon’: