Looking for an entry route into the catalogue of Krautrock figurehead and techno innovator Manuel Göttsching? Here’s a helping hand from the man himself.
Göttsching, of course, remains best known for 1984’s seminal E2-E4 – creative high-watermark, Techno ürtext, and, in our professional opinion, one of the five greatest albums of the decade. His discography, however, goes much further – from his pioneering guitar work with Ash Ra Tempel through to his loop-based electronic kosmische works, he’s made a considerable dent on the face of 20th century music more than once.
With Göttsching recently in town to play his first London date in 13 years for Need2Soul/Oval Space Music, FACT TV sat down with the Berlin native for an extensive chat about his life and times. In addition to a wide-reaching interview about his work – which we’ll be uploading later in the week – we asked Göttsching to play the critic and introduce and appraise five of his key works. Suitable for the curious newcomer and the Ash Ra fiend alike, this is the abridged story of Manuel Göttsching – as told by Manuel Göttsching.
You can read Göttsching’s Beginner’s Guide in full here.