Netherlands-based festival REWIRE has finalised its music bill.
Monkeytown/50Weapons bosses Modeselektor have joined the ticket. Recent months have seen them clubbing up with Apparat for a second spin of their much-loved Moderat project, but REWIRE will see them operating as a single entity once again. Anticipate no-frills, cross-genre dance fare from the pair. Also on the bill is Roly Porter, responsible for this year’s heart-stopping Life Cycle Of A Massive Star suite, and one of our absolute favourite architects of imposing, gothic sound structures. Further additions include Intergalactic Gary, Traxx, Lumisokea, 751, Loyu and Still Serious Nic.
They join the likes of Baths, Holly Herndon, Stellar OM Source, Ricardo Villalobos, Moritz Von Oswald and more. REWIRE runs on November 8-9 in The Hague. For more information and tickets, please head here.