David Lynch fans should be aware that the man really, really likes quinoa.

So much so, in fact, that the legendarily twisted and macabre director recorded a short instructional video teaching us little people how we too can put those “real, real, real tight little grains” to use in our own kitchen. Innocuous, you’d think – so why is it so deliciously creepy and, yes, Lynchian? We wish we’d come up with “quinoir” first, but well done the YouTube commenter who coined it.

The second part of the video abruptly cuts into Lynch narrating a story in near darkness while he’s waiting for his quinoa to cook. It’s creepy as heck of course.

Originally intended as an extra for the Inland Empire DVD, it was posted online once before but got taken down. The Quietus alerted us to its renewed availability, but you may have to be quick.

Lynch has been paddling about in the music biz a lot in the past few years, recently releasing the macabre, dirty blues-influenced The Big Dream. The Sacred Bones label also unearthed an entire stash of Lynch’s film music this year, with CDs of music from Eraserhead and Twin Peaks now available.

Other food and music partnerships we’ve witnessed this year include Snoop Dogg’s utterly baffling and innuendo-packed jingle for baked stodge bricks Hot Pockets.

Part 1:

Part 2:



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