News emerged late last week that folk-rock legend Roy Harper has been charged with a string of historic sex offences.
Throughout the late 1960s and 1970s, Harper posited himself as a sort of modern minstrel, producing highly lyrical, formally inventive music in a folk rock idiom. His classic works include 1971’s untouchable Stormcock, a politically-charged set of four long-form song suites, and 1975’s HQ. Modern fans and collaborators have included Fleet Foxes and Joanna Newsom, and Harper remains active: new album Man and Myth arrived on Bella Union back in September, and he wrapped up a short UK tour in November.
As BBC News report, the 72-year old singer stands accused of nine counts of sexual assault. The charges date back to 1975-77, and relate to a girl who was 12 at the time of the earliest alleged abuse. Harper, who currently lives in Ireland, was voluntarily interviewed by police at Heathrow Airport back in February in relation to the charges. He will appear at Hereford Magistrates’ Court today.