Omar-S lines up Romancing The Stone EP

Detroit’s deep house specialist prepares for an action-adventure.

Omar-S will follow up his superlative 2013 album Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself with a new EP this March titled Romancing The Stone, which those of a certain vintage might recall as Robert Zemeckis’ far-fetched treasure hunt movie.

Billed as a double EP, the four tracks are spread across four sides of vinyl, presumably to ensure maximum volume on the floor. Clips of the untitled tracks reveal a pair of his soulful-yet-jacking stompers on the first half, before moving into a more sultry mood on sides C and D.

No artwork, of course – that’s for momma’s boys. His own FXHE label will release Romancing The Stone on March 7.

Last month Omar-S announced a mix CD collecting 10 years of music from FXHE, home to Kassem Mosse, Luke Hess and more. [via RA]



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