Manchester duo Akkord return with a typically mysterious new EP for the Houndstooth imprint.
The EP follows last year’s acclaimed self-titled album, and does so in typically shadowy style. Entitled simply HTH020 (the catalogue number, natch), it’s a move into darker realms (if you believe that’s possible), and finds Synkro and Indigo absorbing even more jungle influence into their productions.
‘Continuum’ (which you can hear in full below) is the EP’s stand-out cut, and blends a bank of decomposing jungle samples (breaks, emcee chatter, familiar buzzing synthesizer stings) with the icy percussive precision of Alva Noto. This ain’t a simple exercise in nostalgia, rather Akkord follow in the footsteps of Lee Gamble and the HATE crew, taking from the genre what they need and bolting on the rest as necessary.
HTH020 will be released on June 16 on 12″ and digital via Houndstooth.
01 Gravure
02 Continuum
03 Typeface
04 Greyscale