Toronto’s Will Diebel readies his most fully-formed offering yet.
Deebs has been quietly releasing maximalist, hip-hop-inflected electronica for a few years now, remixing the likes of Inc. and AlunaGeorge and catching the attention of Belgium club repository Pelican Fly. He’s also been tipped by fellow Canadian — and musical contemporary — Ryan Hemsworth.
His latest offering, Songs4UByMe, is a five-track EP balanced between slow-boiling club heat and lovesick bedroom listening. He’ll be releasing it for free on October 21 via his website. Until then, stream it and check out our Q&A with the producer below.
What was your inspiration for the EP?
I think there are several moods that inspired the EP. On one hand, I’m inspired by what I enjoy hearing in the club: a dark, gritty, emotional sound that I find particularly powerful. There’s also a softer side, as well, inspired by love, romance, nighttime and a nostalgia for when all those things combine.
How’d you approach this versus, say, your earlier work or a remix?
I’m not sure I approached this project any differently compared to others in the past. I usually sit down with a clean slate and start with a certain element I feel inspired to create, it’s hard to explain exactly. It could be percussion, a melody or just a mood. If it’s a remix, I take the same approach although the inspiration comes from an element of the original song. From there, I layer until I have enough parts to arrange and rearrange.
What do you think the listeners’ take-away from it will be?
Hopefully the listeners will feel some of the emotions that inspired the EP. I picture people listening in the dark; it could be either a club or home setting. I almost always prefer to work in the dark so who knows, maybe it’s better interpreted under the same circumstances — although I hope people aren’t thinking about it too much!
What’s your favorite musical discovery this year?
This is probably a very weird thing to have discovered this year, but I’d never listened to Lana Del Rey until Ultraviolence came out. I decided to download it and ended up listening to it every time I needed to do any cleaning around my apartment. I highly rate music I can do chores to.
What are you most looking forward to the rest of this year, other than music?
I don’t have any real exciting plans to be honest, but hopefully my friends will go bowling with me soon :D