“I had animals as friends, and they did not want to be on my plate.”
Wu-Tang honcho and long-time vegan RZA has been doing some cross-promotional activities this week by appearing in a new PETA ad campaign. “A Better Tomorrow is a vegan tomorrow”, the poster states in reference to the Clan’s long-awaited 20th anniversary album (21st anniversary soon, if they don’t get a move on).
In an accompanying video, RZA talks about the poor conditions animals are raised in and says he doesn’t “need a dead animal, a dead piece of flesh, to go into my live body.”
“I think hip-hop has become more conscious about their diets,” he says, noting the influence of KRS-One’s 1995 song ‘Squash All Beef’ (which contains a line about being a “mental vegetarian”). “My peers and people that are related to me appreciate the vegan lifestyle, it’s really spreading.” Watch it below.
Fact fans: other hip-hop vegetarians include GZA and Method Man, Common, Dead Prez, Flo Rida and the late great MCA of Beastie Boys.
At the beginning of November we sent Brad Rose to a listening party for A Better Tomorrow to suss out the Clan’s new direction – find out what he made of the album, which is due on December 2.