Master of detail JR Seaton brings two tracks to the fledgling label.
Call Super will follow up last year’s fearsomely impressive Suzi Ecto LP with a 12″ on Nous, which has put out records by the likes of Route 8 and the Vaib-R (aka Moon B) in its year-or-so in existence.
The Fluenka Mitsu EP pairs the ornately techno of ‘Fluenka’s Shelf’ with its looser-hipped, bass-driven companion ‘From Which I Fell’, and you can check out previews below. The EP is out in late February.
Find out what links Suzi Ecto and the Criminal Justice Bill in FACT’s’s review of the album and have a snoop inside Call Super’s record bag. He also turned in a sparky FACT mix for us in 2013.