The Montréal festival expands its line-up for 2015.
Mutek has announced the line-up for the A/Visions events at this year’s Montreal festival, which focus on “the multisensorial intersections between technology and art”.
Heading up the programme is ex-Battles member Tyondai Braxton presenting the Canadian premiere of his Hive show, which features five musicians playing on top of specially designed hexagonal pedestals wired for light and sound.
Also appearing is Montréal artist Martin Messier, who presents the world premiere of Field, a performance created in collaboration with Thomas Payette that “lays bare invisible and inaudible power flows” using a framework of luminous cables that face the audience. Messier will be modulating the field with his body while he mixes sound, light and shadow effects.
Dance and choreographer Hiroaki Umeda will also be present to perform Holistic Strata and Split Flow, two pieces that combine motion mapping, light design and synchronous soundtracking with dance, while Maotik & Metametric will perform their Omnis show. Inspired by the concept of ubiquity, Omnis is an A/V performance that sees the duo use a generative visual system and optical illusions.
The A/Visions programme takes place on the evening of May 29 and May 30, during the main Mutek festival which runs from May 27-31. The A/Visions programme join the already announced James Holden, Andy Stott, Sherwood & Pinch and more – full details and tickets can be found at the Mutek website.