Two of Glasgow’s finest go head to head.
Jackmaster, of course, is one of dance music’s most celebrated DJs, famed for his blends, his knowledge of everything from Baltimore to bassline and his work with record labels like Wireblock, Dress 2 Sweat and Numbers. S-Type, meanwhile, has become a real key part of LuckyMe’s roster, releasing three EPs on the label – Billboard, Rosario and the recent SV8 – while also contributing to Hud Mo and co’s mighty Rap Monument.
They talked buying clarinets after big nights out, the Batman and Jurassic Park soundtracks and the worst gigs they’ve ever had. Trust us, the gig’s pretty bad.
Thanks to Tennents for sorting this out. You can drink their beer – just like S-Type and Jackmaster – at basically any pub in Scotland, and follow what they do here and here.