The target of Kozelek’s latest misogynistic outburst responds.

Earlier this week, Mark Kozelek used a Sun Kil Moon performance to verbally attack music journalist Laura Snapes. Now, Snapes has published the feature that kicked off this latest outburst in The Guardian. After recounting Kozelek’s recent successes and public antagonisms, Snapes makes this conclusion:

“Kozelek trades in sucker-punches. He impugns online “bitching and whining”, but hides behind one-way email exchanges, balks at the idea of his peers speaking about him and issues tirades (and sometimes, sexual advances) from the cowardly remove of the stage, with the get-out clause that it’s a performance.

“He can use sexually violent language to reduce female critics to the status of groupies, knowing that while male musicians’ misogynist acts are examined for nuance and defended as traits of “difficult” artists, women and those who call them out are treated as hysterics who don’t understand art.”

Read the full piece — and check out her Twitter for more gems like this:



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