The centrepiece of Björk’s career retrospective at MoMA is ‘Black Lake’, the 10-minute video for the harrowing break-up song from Vulnicura.
The video, which can finally be seen outside museum walls, was shot in Iceland by Björk’s regular collaborator Andrew Thomas Huang. “‘Black Lake’ is one of the most ambitious music videos I’ve done because of the emotional weight and power of the song, and the rigorous conceptual development that we had over many months in planning it correctly,” he said. “Björk wrote the song while sat in a ravine. It is our first chapter in creating the character for Björk’s epic soul journey about loss, healing and the promise of solutions.”
Check out her 360-degree virtual reality video for ‘Stonemilker’ and see the album’s cover art come to life in ‘Family’. [via Dazed]