The latest WMD from Plastician’s Terrorythm label comes from Philly producer Louis Futon.
Although Terrorhythm started as a hub for UK artists, releasing music by Plastician (then Plasticman), Joker and Macabre Unit, it’s spent the last few years looking decidedly international, with singles from Acre, Ganz and more doing damage. Granted, there’s also been that excellent Plasticman retrospective.
‘Tree’ closes Terrorhythm’s Elements series of pay-what-you-want downloads. We’re streaming it below, and it’s available to download here. According to Futon, “I just wanted to make the most raw, heavy, disgusting sounding beat. It’s meant to give you that face you make when you eat a Warhead, except if you ate like 10 Warheads at once.”
And with that, our WMD metaphor neatly comes full circle. Sort of. Revisit Joe Muggs’ in-depth interview with Plastician.